APSRTC is creating many passenger friendly initiatives to attract the public. As a part of this, all the bus stands over the state are modernized and many amenities are placed in the bus stands. Now, it has come with an innovative mobile app, which would help passengers to track the bus. The app name is "Live Tracker APSRTC City Bus". You can download form Google Play Store from here
Not only app, but one can also send an SMS to know where the bus is, and by what time it wil reach the location you are. Here is how it works
Mobile App:
Once the app is downloaded, there would be many features to use
Search by From-To Locations:
This helps to provide the show the bus routes within that from-to location, with also time of arrival of the bus. Bus registration number, type (metro, express), route number also will be shown.
Stops Near Me:
This helps to locate all the nearest bus stops located around form the place where the user is located. The path would also be shown to reach the bus stop from the location. Also the bus information which is going to arrive to that bus stop, will also be shown, with bus arrival time. Bus registration number, type (metro, express), route number also will be shown.
Search by Route Number:
This helps the user to find the bus arrivals to the respective bus stop, with the bus route number. Bus registration number, type (metro, express), route number also will be shown.
Search by Bus Stop:
This helps the user to search for the bus arrivals based on the bus stop name selected. Arrival time of the bus, with Bus registration number, type (metro, express), route number also will be shown.
There are also many features to help the user to have a easy access
SMS Service:
Users who do not have smart phones can use SMS service. Users can also know the information through a simple SMS. Passengers can send SMS to 9246022333, with the origin and destination names (first three letters of the stage). VJA <From Stage> <To Stage>
Ex: To Know the timings of buses at Benz circle towards Autonagar in Vijayawada SMS string should be : vja ben aut