Despite innumerable challenges, a revenue deficit, lack of infrastructure and educational institutions and a power deficit staring at the Sunrise state of Andhra Pradesh when Chandrababu Naidu took on the government in June 2014, Andhra Pradesh has come a long way in the last 30 months.
Andhra Pradesh, India's Sunrise State, and the gateway to the east, recommits itself to the growth of the nation. We have embarked on a journey of consistent double digit growth, and are confident of emerging as a developed state by 2029.
Andhra Pradesh has been rated as the top state in the country for ease of doing business by World Bank and Govt. of India, up from 2nd position the previous year. This is a reflection of our continued commitment to provide best-in-class sector policies, stable industrial relations and an investor friendly business environment. The State offers quality power, robust industrial infrastructure, large industrial land banks, excellent connectivity and availability of a skilled workforce – ingredients of a vibrant and globally competitive investment destination.
In these 30 months, we have come a long way. There is no looking back from here. Our goal is to be among the top 3 states in India by 2022; be the best state with high happiness index in 2029 and be the most preferred investment destination by 2050.
Here are the strenghts and focus sectors of Andhra Pradesh. Proudly share this and let the nation know the strength of Andhraite.