AMRC (Amaravati Metro Rail Corporation) and DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation), will open the financial bids for the two sections of Vijayawda Metro today at 3.55 PM today. In September they pubished a notice for inviting tenders. Due to some requests made by the companies, the submission of bids deadline, changed from December 7th to 14th. Some of the major infra companies like soma, L&T, Tata, AFCONS given their bids.
The total cost of the Vijayawada Metro and Nidamanuru Depot is estimated to be Rs.3148 crore. From the date of awarding the contract, it is supposted to be completed in 2 years. The bids are not yet invited for the second section of metro from PNBS to Penamaluru.
Below are the details of the first section from PNBS to Nidamanuru
Contract AMCC-01 – The first bid is for, Nidamanuru depot connection and six elevated stations at Nidamanuru, Enikepadu, Ramakrishna Weigh Bridge, Prasadampadu, Ramavarappadu Ring and Gunadala. The cost is estimated to be Rs. 390 crore.
Contract AMCC-02 – The second bid is for five elevated stations at City Cancer Hospital, SRR Government College, Sri Sathya Sai Mandir, Besant Road and Railway Station East side. The cost is estimated to be Rs. 314 crore.