As part of the nation-wide Intensified Pulse Polio Campaign, Pulse polio campaign will be held tomorrow on, February 21st 2016. Preparations regarding the same have already been made across Krishna and Guntur District. Around 5,000 centers are set up in Krishna district, which will function from 7 am to 5 pm. It is estimated that 3.9 lakh infants would be covered.
Children below five years of age can visit one of the 5,000 centers set up in Krishna district to get the infants immunised under the Pulse Polio programme on Sunday. 90 mobile teams have also been deployed to administer the vaccine to children at railway and bus stations. The vaccination of infants at the Pulse Polio centers will be followed up, during which the workers will go door-to-door to administer the vaccine. The workers will again search for children below five years of age who are left uncovered by the drive. Asha and Anganwadi workers, DWCRA group members, Urban Health Workers and medical officers will take part in the Pulse Polio programme.
All children in the age group of (0-5) years given 2 drops of polio vaccine in the first round on January 17 should be given the drops during the second round on February 21.