General Sir Arthur Thomas Cotton (15 May 1803 – 24 July 1899) was a British general and irrigation engineer. He is the father of krishna delta and godavari barrage,even now farmers residing in krishna -godavari delta worship him as a god.
Sir Arthur Cotton, the unmatched and towering personality in the world of engineering had played a crucial role to provide assured irrigation to lakhs of farmers who were haunted by famine and floods in the Godavari and Krishna delta region by constructing barrages across the two rivers.
He succeeded in completing the magnificent project on Godavari river at Dowleswaram in 1852.
After completing the Godavari Anicut Cotton shifted his attention to the construction of the Aqueduct on Krishna River. The project was sanctioned in 1851 and completed by 1855. After completing the Krishna and Godavari Anicuts, Cotton envisaged the storage of Krishna and Godavari river waters.