Andhra Pradesh the newly formed state is leading the country in Power Sector, Conserving Water Resources and Panchayat Development.
Andhra Pradesh is already a master in power sector and has won all the five awards recently in the national level. Many states are learning the model of Andhra's power sector.
Now, yesterday Central Government has announced that Andhra Pradesh is the only state that is making necessary steps in Developing the Panchayats. Central Government is satisfied that only Andhra Pradesh is taking certain measures to improve the basic amenities of the panchayats in the state. The award would be presented by Prime Minister on April 24th on the even of Panchayatraj Divas at Jamshedpur to Andhra Pradesh Panchayatiraj Minister Ayyannapatrudu
Today Water Resources Ministry has declared that, Andhra Pradesh is in the top position of Water Resources Conservation. Central Government has congratulated the state, for the steps being taken to conserve the water resources like increaseing the underground water, digging out lakes and ponds, farm ponds, inkuduguntalu etc..